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Total time:  1 hour


  • For crêpes:
    1 cup flour
    1/4 cup vegetable oil
    2 eggs
    2 egg yolks
    1 1/2 cups milk
    1/4 cup unsalted butter
    1 teaspoon vanilla or rum extract

    For apple mixture:
    6 large baking apples
    1 tablespoon butter
    2 tablespoons brown sugar
    1/4 cup Calvados or apple brandy
    1 teaspoon cinnamon


  • Crêpe batter:
    In a medium bowl, combine flour, oil, eggs, egg yolks,
    and 1/2 cup milk, beating until blended and smooth.
    Add remaining milk, whisking until batter is smooth.
    Strain batter into a clean bowl. Refrigerate, covered, for 2 hours or longer.
    Melt the butter over low heat, and mix into the crêpe batter.
    Flavor with vanilla or rum extract.

    Apple mixture:
    Peel apples. Core and slice thinly. Melt butter in a non-stick frying pan.
    Add apple slices. Sauté for 2 minutes over high heat.
    Add brown sugar and Calvados or apple brandy.
    Sprinkle cinnamon over cooked apples. Transfer to a bowl.

    Make apple crêpes:
    Heat a 7-inch non-stick skillet until a drop of water sizzles and rolls off.
    Pour in 2 tablespoons of batter, rotating pan to cover bottom of skillet evenly.
    Spoon 2 large tablespoons of prepared apple mixture over crêpe,
    spreading evenly over surface of crêpe.
    Pour enough batter to cover apples. Cook for a minute.
    Flip the pancake. Use a spatula if necessary. Cook till brown.
    Transfer apple crêpe to a greased baking tray.
    Continue cooking remaining crêpes.
    Can be prepared 2 hours ahead.
    Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
    Finish baking crêpes until apples are soft, 10 to 12 minutes.
    Place a crêpe on each plate.
    Top with vanilla ice cream and sprinkle with cinnamon.
    Serve at once.
    Note: as an alternative, use half apples, half pears.
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